Man experiencing some headache

Sneezes, sniffles, or coughing fits can put a serious wrench into daily life. And at Sabai Thai Spa, we are worried about you and your health.

This year, help safeguard your family against illnesses with some preseason training for the cold and flu months.

Boost Your Immune System

A healthy immune system is the best weapon against getting sick.

Avoid Stress

Studies show that it hampers your ability to stay healthy, so anything you can do to combat stress helps fight colds and flu. Try taking a mini meditation break during the day—simply close your eyes and focus on breathing in and out for a few minutes.

Stick With a Bedtime

When you consistently log eight hours of sleep a night, your body has the chance to repair cells and build up your immune system..

Eat Right and Exercise

Stock up on fruits and vegetables to give your body the nutrients it needs, and shoot for 30 minutes of moderate activity at least three times a week.

Get a flu shot. Think of it as your secret weapon against the flu. It’s approved for people older than 6 months, so consult your doctor to see if the whole family should be vaccinated.

Fight Germs

When you keep germs at bay, you can lower your odds of getting sick.

Wash Your Hands

And talk to your children about why it’s important to wash theirs. A typical hand washing—before a meal, after going to the bathroom, or anytime you cough, sneeze, or blow your nose—should last 20 seconds. It’s roughly the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice in your head.

Bring Backup

Try sticking a bottle of hand sanitizer in your purse to fight germs when you’re on the go.

Clean your desk. It’s a hot spot for germs at the office. Invest in some disinfectant wipes and clean your desk, keyboard, mouse, and phone.

Be Prepared

Despite your best efforts, it can be tough to make it through winter without anyone in the family feeling under the weather. Stock up on the essentials while everyone is still healthy.