Essential Oil in Brown Table

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and it is time to start thinking about which natural fragrance you may want to use to for a Valentines Massage this year! There are several essential oils that have relaxing and aphrodisiac properties perfect for the romantic touch. Here is a list of our favorite essential oils for this special season.

1. Jasmine (Jasminum officinale):

This essential oil is native to China, India and the Middle East. The flowers are small and white and bloom after dusk. The essential oil comes from these flowers, that also must be harvested after dusk. Jasmine has richly floral scent that is both exotic and musky. It is warming and helps relieve depression and reduces stress. It is also a great oil for the skin as it works well on sensitive skins and can also help heal scar tissue. It is highly sought after by perfumeries, which also explains why it can be a pricey oil. It is sometimes not recommended for use during pregnancy, other than that, it is fine to use on everyone as long as it is diluted before it is applied to the skin.

2. Neroli oil (Citrus aurantium):

This essential oil is also native to Asia but is now cultivated heavily in the Mediterranean region(Italy, Morocco, Egypt and France). The small white flowers are picked from the orange bitter tree and once distilled they create a pale yellow liquid. This oil is very uplifting and healing to the skin. It also helps to heal scars and stretch marks. It is an anti-depressant which also relieves stress. It requires a large number of the orange blossom flowers to create an ounce of oil, so is also in the higher price range. It’s a perfectly safe oil for all as long as it is diluted before applying it to the skin.

3. Rose oil (rosa damascena):

Roses and their essential oil is thought to be native to Persia, but it is now mainly produced in Bulgaria and Turkey. Rose essential oils is one of the most pure and gentle oils. It suits most skin types, but is particular good at healing dry skin, eczema, mature skin and sensitive skin. It is also a good oil for treating depression, shock, grief, heartbreak and it soothes anger.

4. Ylang Ylang oil (Cananga odorate):

The yellow flowers that produces the essential oil of Ylang Ylang is originally native to Asia but is now produced in more tropical locations such as: Madagascar, Reunion and Comoro’s Islands. This oil is soothing to inflammations and good for both acne, dry or chapped skin. This oil helps to sooth fear, anxiety, depression and create calmness. The oil comes in different grades which affects the cost of the oil. Ylang Ylang one, two and three, as well as Ylang Ylang extra. Ylang ylang extra is the most expensive and superior blend. Still, it tends to be less expensive than many of the previous floral oils, and is a highly prized aphrodisiac. A perfectly safe oil for all with no contraindications, but should be diluted before being applied to the skin.

5. Clary Sage (salvia sclarea):

The oil comes from the pink, white and purple flowers of the shrubby herb. The flower tops of the herb are distilled to make a pale yellow liquid that has a sweet, nutty floral scent. It is known to help lower blood pressure, help with depression, nervous tension as well as muscular aches and pains. It can also be sedative and euphoric, which is why it is sometimes cautioned not to use before operating heavy equipment or driving. It is also not recommended for use during pregnancy. Otherwise it is fine for use as long as it is diluted before putting on the skin. It is currently produced in the Mediterranean(mainly France) and is available in the medium price range.

6. Rosemary (Rosemarinus officionalis):

Rosemary is native from to the Mediterranean and is mainly produced in: Morocco, France and Spain. The green spikey shrub produces blue flowers that look like tiny irises. The flowers are distilled to create the essential oil which is a pale yellow which is intense, refreshing, warm and invigorating. Rosemary essential oil promotes healthy skin and hair. It also helps relieve aches, pains, mental fatigue, depression, nervous exhaustion, stress and headaches. It is widely available at a medium price, but does have a few cautions. It should be avoided for use during pregnancy and can trigger an epileptic attack if one is prone to them. It needs to be diluted before it is used on the skin.

7. Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin):

Patchouli is native to Malaysia, but is also produced in India, China and South America. It comes from a herbal plant with furry egg shaped leaves that give off the unique patchouli fragrance when rubbed. The oil comes from the distillation of the dried fermented leaves. The essential oil is a dark brown amber colour with a woodsy, warm, stimulating musky, sweet scent. The scent and oil actually gets better with age. The oil is very healing for the skin and treats oily skin, acne, cracked or sore skin, eczema, wounds, dandruff and dermatitis. It also helps one to relax, ground and center.

8. Ginger (Zinger officinale):

This plant is native to Southern Asia and mainly grows in the West Indies and Africa, although it’s oil is often distilled in Britain and India. It is actually the dried ground rhizomes that are distilled to produce an amber liquid that is warm, spicy, stimulating and pungent. It is a great aphrodisiac to use in massage because it helps with aches and pains, poor circulation, colds, flu, sore throats and coughs as well as nervous tension. However, it is a strong oil that can irritate sensitive skin and is mildly phototoxic. It is best used diluted in oil and in smaller doses. Ginger essential oil can be bought in the medium price range, but must be well diluted before applying it to the skin. It should be used sparingly in any blend as it can irritate the skin(less is more).

9. Vertivert (Vetiveria zizanoides):

The oil comes from the roots of a long grass that is native to Southern India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The oil which is created through the distillation of the dried and chopped plant roots is now mostly produced in the Reunion and Comoros Islands. This oil is a dark brown with a rich earthy undertone. Like Patchouli the quality and scent of the oil improves with age. It is a great massage oil for the skin as it is good for oily skin, and also helps heal arthritis, muscle aches and pains as well as poor circulation. It is considered non irritating or sensitizing to the skin. It relaxes by easing nervous tension as well as stress related ailments.

One of the most romantic and effective ways to enjoy the full effect of these essential oils is to massage them into your partner’s skin using a carrier oil like organic argan oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil or kukui nut oil for a full body massage. You might also sprinkle a few drops of the essential oils on the sheets, blankets and pillows, or, create a natural air freshener by simply adding a few drops of your preferred essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water. Spray around the room to create a romantic atmosphere anywhere.

Also, consider making a special Valentine’s Day spa appointment for you and your partner and relax together enjoying all of these romantic scents.