Easy Yoga Poses To Relieve Body Pain

The majority of the people who work out and carry out physical exertions in their routine must be aware of being so tired and sore after a gym, hike, or some other intense physical activity. Okay, some might not be sore to this extent, but the feeling of aches and inflammation in the body may be severe. So if you are looking out to ease your body pains, just spread out your mat, and get going with some effective yoga poses. And within no time, you will return to your relaxed, eased version of your body with full energy and strength.

Yes, it is true. Carrying out some yoga poses will give you quite a relief. Yoga consolidates profound, deep breathing with moderate, deliberate stretching, which is nearly everything your muscles are searching for after strenuous physical activity. Fortunately, countless asanas in yoga focus on multiple areas of the body, which means you will have the option to zero in on particular parts that feel more painful. They must be given some extra attention and care.

Moreover, according to many research types, yoga also balances chronic pains on a neural level, enhancing the life span of grey matter present inside the brain. When yoga experts expected pain, the researchers discovered that the parasympathetic sensory system was stimulated versus the sympathetic sensory system, known as the fight or flight reaction. This exhibited that the pain process of people doing yoga differs from people who don’t. When you practice it carefully, yoga can help you relieve chronic pain by reinforcing the body and your brain.

Yoga might be the exact opposite thing you need to do if you encounter body pain, so work into training with these simple yoga postures. Consult with your primary care physician before beginning a yoga practice, and change postures to suit your physical and mental requirements.

Relieve Body Pain with These 8 Easy Yoga Poses

1. Standing Side Stretch

Side stretches are an extraordinary method to discover balance in your body, just as prolonging through the arms, psoas muscles, and your core. Start in Tadasana, known as the mountain posture, bring your hands upward, and join the palms. Move your hips to one side, and get your one palm to the other, extending the whole side of the body. Do the same on the other side, coordinating your breath and movements simultaneously.

Side Stretch

2. Twisted Figure Four

In case you are experiencing pain in the knees, postures that focus on the muscles on the exterior of the thighs which, when are tight, can prompt distress in the two regions- might be a great help. It is likewise essential to fortify the muscles surrounding your kneecap.

All you have to do is lie down on your back and bend your knees, having feet intact to the floor. Put your right ankle on the left knee; at that point, permit the two legs to fall over to the left side. Place the bottom of your right foot on the floor while the right knee faces upwards, far from your head. In case you find this excessively difficult, drop the legs down a couple of inches from your head.

The way to this posture is to allow your pelvis to hang in the direction of the ground and to loosen up your lower back while you permit the outer thigh and hip to stretch tenderly. This kind of stretch can be moderate or more observable. In any case, attempt to unwind to let the region adjust to the posture. Hold the position for one minute and then repeat the same on the opposite side.

Twisted Figure

Complement your yoga routine with a soothing massage at our Spa in New Westminster, designed to relieve body pain and enhance your overall wellbeing.

3. Half Happy Baby Pose

Quite often, your back pain is a result of tight hips. At the same time, this posture will permit your lower back to relax and release. First, lie facing your face upwards and bring your right knee close to your chest with your right arm. Hold the outside portion of your right knee with the right hand and get it close to your right side. Loosen up your lower back.

For a deeper stretch, get the bottom of your right foot with the right hand and move the foot downwards so that the right knee is placed near the floor to your right side while placing the right ankle above the right knee. Hold on for one minute and repeat the same on the other side.

Baby Pose

4. Janu Sirs asana

Mostly treated with numerous painkillers and medications, menstrual pain is something unbearable. Performing Janu sirs asana during the peak of your cramps can be very helpful.

While sitting, elongate the left leg straight outwards while bending your right leg and having your right foot squeezing into your thigh. Overlay forward over your stretched leg pivoting from your hips as you stretch your spine and relax. This yoga posture not only attempts to lessen uneasiness and feelings of anxiety to help you unwind, but besides bowing from your crotch, it extends muscles in pain due to the menstrual cramps.

While sitting, elongate the left leg straight outwards while bending your right leg and having your right foot squeezing into within your thigh

5. Malasana Pose

Begin with a standing posture, having both of your feet to the width of your hips and toes facing outwards. And bring yourself in a squat position. Join your hands together, similar to a prayer posture, while squeezing the elbows in the inner part of your thighs. To give yourself some support, you can place a balancing block underneath the butt. The Malasana yoga pose will help stretch your body, especially the thighs, lower back, and groin. This pose will also improve your digestion process and ease any pain in the lower abdomen.

Malasana Pose

6. Bridge Pose

Nowadays, we mostly have our necks and backs bent towards our smartphones and laptops. According to research, bending down towards the screen adds sixty pounds of additional weight to the sine. This unhealthy position over time can result in severe back pain. To ease this pain, start with unwinding your spin with a cat-cow pose, having a tabletop posture and bend, and collapsing your spine at least ten to fifteen times, which will help relax your spine.

After you’ve done this, move to the bridge pose. Lay on the floor while bending your knees and your feet placed firmly on the floor. Next, move your hips upwards while maintaining the stretch. For some alteration, you can set a block under your back for more support. This bridge posture helps open the hip flexors and eliminate stress and tension, which has been built up in your muscles.

After practicing these pain-relieving yoga poses, visit our Spa in Langley for a rejuvenating treatment that targets tension and promotes deep relaxation.

7. Modified Down Dog Pose

The downward-facing dog pose is quite a typical yoga posture. However, it is challenging to perform, particularly for individuals with pain conditions in the wrists or hands. Well, we have a modified version of this yoga posture which might be gentle to your body.

As you stand, face towards the wall. Put your hands on the wall between your waist and chest level and keep your feet broad to the hips. Now bend the knees and gradually walk far from the border while keeping the hips over to feet and the hands still pressed towards the wall. Now stop when your arms create a straight line following the spine and keep your back flat. In this position, you must be able to feel a stretch in your back. Maintain this pose for thirty seconds and then steadily move towards the wall, ending the pose. This effective yoga posture will make your back muscles strong and ease any back pain.

Down Dog Pose

8. Reclined Supine Twist

Again, this yoga pose is an effective stretch for your lower back and eases your pain. For some individuals twisting postures can be aggravating. In case this stretch starts to cause pain, you must immediately stop practicing it. To ease this stretch, try placing a towel under the knees. Then bring your knees to the chest. After doing so, get both of your knees to one side while you oppositely curl your torso.

Make sure that you keep the hips and knees aligned with each other while you move them towards the ground and maintain the position of your chest as square as possible. Hold this position for 1-3 minutes and repeat the same on the opposite side.

Supine Twist


Yoga has been practiced for ages, and it’s due to the loads of benefits it provides to the mind, body, and soul. This unique practice, performed in a massive variety of poses, helps in treating body pains, and cramps. The numerous mental and physical benefits it provides make it suitable for people belonging to different age groups, thus improving their overall well-being. Practicing yoga will help you get rid of all kinds of body pain you have been experiencing lately. Also, performing yoga poses with yoga professionals can help you achieve them in a better way.