Thailand Cozy House

Discover Why Thailand is the Ultimate Expat Destination

On the off chance that now you feel exhausted in your current living surroundings, your work frustrates you; it is time that you might ahead forward. Leaving a place where you have spent your whole is not an easy thing to, this is why you might have seen people complaining and working unwillingly. Nonetheless, if you are determined and passionate to do anything for your peace and satisfaction, nothing is likely to come your way. An attractive place far from your local area can work as a strong magnet for you to move out. So people, how does Thailand sounds like?

Thailand is one of the most well-known countries to settle as an expat. And for sure, there are plenty of reasons to support this. Not only you get a perfect tropical climate all year round, but you will also be able to avail all kinds of contemporary relaxations and facilities. Thailand is known for its reasonable costs and top-notch health care services.

There’s just something unique about Thailand. It’s quite a fascinating country with a relaxed and straightforward way of living, a bit the same as the west but the thing which makes it unique is its stress-free life and fewer expenses. So, if you are planning to move forward, Thailand must be placed where you are heading, and here are the ten reasons why.

1. Reasonable Cost Of Living

The thing is mostly famous for is its affordability and to manage everything under your budget. Even the tourists visiting Thailand spend less than 50 USD the entire day, incorporating their transport, residence, and other activities. And when once you have settles in Thailand permanently, trust me; it’s a lot cheaper. The most significant factor attracting many people to settling in Thailand is its low prices of living, particularly compared to the residential areas in Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong.

So, once your day to day and rental spending is reduced, you eventually have the freedom to choose jobs accordingly and even the hours and days you will work. How good it would be if your rental expense is between 350 USD to 1300 USD with the liberty of choosing a one-bedroom flat in the core of Bangkok, Phuket, or Chiang Mai. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? The rental costs are hardly a thing to worry about in a place where dinner doesn’t even cost above than 5 USD.

2. Thailand’s Weather is Something to Fall In Love With

Although Thailand gives lovely weather to its tourists, occasional travelers will primarily advise you to check its weather before your plan on traveling. This is due to the variation of climate in every region of the country. But once you have settles there, it’s fantastic that you will be experiencing different weather fascinations all year long.

Though it might sound exciting to wake up to dark, cold weather and go to work, this could be too stressing and depressing for many individuals. Fortunately, you do not have to get upset about the weather in Thailand. You will experience rains, but there are usually short showers of rain followed by the shiny and bright sunny days.

Thailand Beautiful Beaches

3. Finest Quality of Life

Thailand is known as the paradise of food. Whether it is street food, fine dining in a luxurious restaurant, or some seafood straight from the local markets, it won’t rip your pockets out. If you are someone whose days begin and end with coffee, Thailand is the right place for you. They are known as the world’s largest coffee manufacturers with their exotic taste. You will find the finest coffees in their store like ‘Rist8to’ or ‘Gallery Dip Coffee.’ The exciting part is that it is incredibly affordable! Suppose you are someone who cannot resist traveling. In that case, Thailand is the perfect centre that will allow you to travel through local transportation or take a flight to South East Asia, which can be seen usually by the expats living there already.

Beauty of Thailand

4. People of Thailand Are the Best

The beaches and the food is not what matters entirely. The people count as well. If you are having the best time discovering the place and getting in contact with some ill-mannered people, you will start to feel repelled.

Whereas Thailand is the most welcoming country you’ll ever come across. People of Thailand are incredibly kind, respectful, a smile on their faces, and always see the world with an optimistic outlook. As you get to spend more time with them, you will get to know them in a better way. They are the best people in forming friendships and prosper relationships. And if you have just moved to Thailand, the generosity, kindness, and the bond you will make with Thai people will make you feel at home.

Thailand is known to be the land of smiles, and wherever you will go, you will see yourself surrounded by their positivity and hospitality. Thai people welcome the tourist and expats warm-heartedly and are ready to provide you with any kind of help and assistance. If you seemed to be lost in the market or can’t find a cab, Thai people will be pleased to help you. They usually aren’t fluent in English, and if language comes in the way of helping someone, they will, despite all the differences, help you out.

Thailand People

5. Best Healthcare Services

Thailand has the world’s best healthcare and is considered the top country for providing the most excellent medical services. As compared to western countries, the cost of medical procedures is 50-70% less. Having more than a thousand private and public health care centers, Thailand has the best medical services, and the healthcare provided to the expats is just appreciable. Many of the doctors of Thailand are educated from western countries or Singapore, and they are fluent in English. Expats can easily access them and benefit from their excellent facilities.

Thailand Hospital

6. The Food Is Extremely Cheap

Switching from travelers or expats brings to a whole new variety of food. The days are gone when you used to find the same pad Thai in every restaurant. Instead, you now get yourself familiar with the unique local dishes and, of course, the fresh and crisp vegetables and fruits. You might miss your mum’s baked pie, but you will surely get along with the new food, especially when you have a whole feast of delicious meals in just some dollars.

The food is relatively cheap in Thailand as compared to other countries. You will find a big bowl of rice or noodles with meat in just $1 or a little above starting from breakfast. Having lunch from a local stall will have almost the same cost, whereas if you eat at a restaurant with a nice ambiance and tasty food, it will hardly be between $3-4. The Japanese food, which is considered the most expensive food in the west, will only cost you $7 in Thailand and sushi. Fantastic enough? Just because you are in Thailand, it does not mean that you will be deprived of different food. You will also come across a wide variety of mouth-watering western meals.

Variety of Thailand Food

7. Thailand Calls For More Travelling

Just because you have now moved to Thailand doesn’t call for ending your traveling days. The adventure has just begun. So whether you are working in Thailand, are retired, or are a digital nomad, the holidays and weekends in Thailand bring you many chances to explore the country. Your friends or colleagues already living are most likely to provide you with some valuable information about what place to visit, what activities to do and where you should be staying. These often advise out to be your best experience. In Thailand, you are always near some breathtaking beach, adventure park, or a shopping market.

Thailand Business City

8. Festivals Are The Best Part

As a tourist, you will be able to visit only two festivals in Thailand, but being an expat will allow you to experience every single one of them. Festivals like Chinese New Year, Songkran, Vegetarian festival, Thai kind of Christmas, and Loy Krathong are the festivals you would not want to miss at any cost. They allow you to understand the culture of Thailand closely, and it’s a genuinely fantastic experience.

People enjoying festival

9. Some of The Best Massages Are In Thailand

Thailand being affordable will also provide you with the most reasonable and best massage and Spa services. The magical massages of Thailand are just amazing. Though a little painful but they are worth it. You can also try a variety of different massages. Melt your stress away, untie the knots of your mind, and you will feel like starting your next day in heaven.

Best Massages Are In Thailand

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10. You, Will, Find Everything in Thailand Along with Expat Communities!

You will find everything in Thailand; delicious food, scenic beaches, huge cities, and incredible nature. Once in Thailand, you won’t have to travel elsewhere. Are you feeling bored in the countryside? Book a flight and land in Bangkok, and enjoy to the fullest. Do you want some new outfits? Straight on the go to the local centre where you can find almost anything! Thailand will give you anything you wish for.

Interestingly, some parts of Thailand have expat communities who are incredibly welcoming, kind and make your new life more comfortable. They provide you with a feeling of home and will help you whenever needed.

Thailand Foreign Visitors

Without any doubt, if you choose to live in Thailand, you’ll have loads of benefits. Experience the most refined quality lifestyle, explore the world’s rarest beaches, and eat the best food. On top of everything, Thailand is extremely affordable.

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