Variety of Gardening tools in chair

Now that Spring has sprung, here are a few simple health tips to help you feel better and be healthier!


Getting out into your backyard – whether it’s mowing the lawn, weeding the beds, planting vegetable starts, sowing seed, or whatever – is a great way to get some free and fun exercise. You can burn between 250 – 350 calories per hour – an hour a day can help you lose around a pound per week, if you want to lose weight. Plus, it’s relaxing and helps lower blood pressure and cortisol. And it’s fun!

Make up kit



Just like milk and eggs, make-up has an expiration date. Usually make-up can last around six months to a year, after which you should discard the remainder. Bacteria and debris can build up in make-up, which can lead to eye infections and skin breakouts.

Falling feathers in hand



In this clean obsessed world, the idea of getting dirty seems, well, dirty. But getting dirty is actually good for you, as it exposes you to certain common bacteria which help produce vitamins and proteins in our bodies, and helps our immune system and digestion. Go make some mud pies!


Variety of Vegetable in Market



Farmers’ Market or CSA, is a great way to get in-season fruits, vegetables, herbs, dairy, eggs, flowers and more. There are weekly delivery services that bring farm-fresh produce right to your door, so you know you’re always getting what’s fresh, local, and delicious!

Back Massage for Couples


And of course, what top five list would leave out regular bodywork and massage? Massage helps reduce stress, eliminate pain, improve mobility and flexibility, and it feels terrific. When you have a standing massage appointment, you have something wonderful to look forward to in your week or month. And it totally feels great!!