Happy New Year 2021 from Sabai

Dear Valued Sabai Thai Spa Guests,

We all have a story to share. I grew up in a small village in Thailand where people and relationships were the most valuable thing you could have. Money did not amount to much as trade was the predominant way of life. Hard work and anticipation of needs is what I learned. Traditional medicine was a way of life. Sabai Thai Spa exists today because we truly have the desire to improve people’s lives through the healing power of our services. We have set out to create a space where you feel taken care of and belong.

We are moving into our 16th year in a few months. 16 years. Wow. Some of you have been with us since the very beginning and many of you are just starting your journey of health with us. All of you are here because you believe in the power of spa services and the positive impact it can have.

What we are building is a special spa experience. Our business is not driven by clicks or advertising, but rather by word of mouth and how we make you feel. Results. The Sabai Thai Spa you know and love comes with that caring, familiar environment designed for calm.

We believe in the power of regular spa visits so much we have launched a membership experience along with a host of resources, online booking app, customized enhancements and our very own results-oriented skin care option. A membership like this is one can really make you feel good and look your best.

If you’re not a member yet, we hope that this year you’ll consider investing in yourself and your (mind body) health. It’s up to us to give you a reason to get excited about becoming a member. We’re up to the task.

2020 didn’t turn out as anyone planned, but one thing has stayed true. We need to take care of our mind and body. Time and time again, our spa services have shown the power to restore, heal and even inspire. Thank you for showing us how resilient we are as a community. It is deeply humbling to see the role of Sabai Thai Spa has played in helping you get through the ups and downs of the year.

We will continue to be here for you. We hope to have sixteen more years with you and keep earning the privilege to be your go to spa. Thank you for trusting us with your story.

Thank you and Happy New Year!

Neata Goutier

CEO and Founder of Sabai Thai Spa