Thai Activities Collage

Christmas/winter holidays are well behind us and deep-freeze temperatures is upon us. Some are fortunate enough to escape for a week or two to warmer climates that have palm trees swaying and little umbrellas in refreshing cocktails. But most of us must endure and feel sorry for ourselves until we see green leaves again.

This time of the year can be quite depressing for some of us. We find it difficult to find our joy inside. We tend to concentrate more on the stressful driving conditions or latest news tragedies and we hibernate under blankets in front of our televisions night after night, just waiting out the winter months.

Now is the time to make joy the default setting in our lives.

Create a career journal

A career journal is a great way to reignite passion for what you do. It’s a place to record all significant highs and lows of your week, in addition to plans for the future. Instead of writing your daily to-do list, log all your daily accomplishments. Focus on what you have done rather than what you still need to do. On the accompanying page, doodle and brainstorm ideas, and map out your next day. You’ll get a clear picture of what you want to do, what you need to do, and what you dread doing. This will help you prepare for the day and start it with a purpose.

Send a note of thanks

One of the best ways to feel inspired is to remember how we’ve been inspired by others in the past. Take some time to write to someone who inspired you, sharing how his or her actions have affected you and inspired you to become the person you are today.

Unleash the real you

Often, breaking from the formality, rules, and the “right way” to do things at work can be invigorating. Which rules need challenging? Share your passion with others in a quick lunch-and-learn. Don’t live like a zombie: find ways to add your personality to your work and your office life. When you show up ready to share yourself, others are inspired to do the same.

Create a vision board

Seeing your vision board each day will remind you of the exciting path ahead. All you need is a poster or bulletin board, some magazines, markers, glue, and some great tunes for background. Start a vision board by picturing how life will look in three, six or 12 months. What do you intend will be different? Now, create a picture of this positive future using magazine cut outs, words, doodles, etc. This is a great activity to enjoy with close friends and an excellent way to share your goals and dreams.

And of course, a session of warm relaxing massage can definitely help beating all these winter blues. Visit us and check out our treatments to find one that works for you!