Girl Eating Extra Large Burger

New Year is almost here. And once again it’s time to take your secret notebook and write down all your wishes, dreams and promises for the year. Below are a few suggestions for New Year’s resolutions that will keep you healthy and beautiful:

Girl Eating Extra Large Burger


Want to downsize your figure? Start downsizing your dishes. Studies show using smaller plates and bowls promote weight loss because they help to curb overeating.


One habit naturally slim people share is their ability to stay in motion. Try to inject each day with more activity (adults should aim for 30 minutes daily). The opportunities are endless once you’ve developed the right mindset.


Variety of berries


When your body breaks down food it produces molecules called free radicals. Cigarette smoke and radiation also produce free radicals. Over time, the damage from these substances can result in conditions like infection, cancer, inflammation, and heart disease. That’s where antioxidants step in. How the American Dietetic Association sums up their role: Once you cut an apple, it begins to brown, but if you dip it in orange juice, which contains vitamin C (an antioxidant), it stays white. You can defend your body the same way by including rich sources in your diet. Pomegranates, coffee, and even chocolate contain antioxidants.


For smokers, quitting may be the hardest resolution to stick with because it is so challenging. If you consider the benefits, and take advantage of today’s resources, this could be the year you successfully become a nonsmoker. The National Cancer Institute’s website is a good resource to bookmark.


Sun exposure affects everyone. According to the National Cancer Institute most skin cancer develops after age 50, though sun damage starts at an early age. The sun’s rays are also behind brown spots, and can make wrinkles appear before their time. Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen, even in the winter, anywhere skin is laid bare to the elements.


Having healthy expectations for yourself is important to both your physical and mental health. Obviously, that’s easier said than done. A mean-spirited inner-critic can ruin relationships, keep you from reaching personal goals, and cramp your ability to be an active participant in your life. For everyday ways to practice bringing acceptance into your realm, visit Oprah Winfrey’s self confidence page.

Hope these heath and beauty New Year resolutions can inspire you to start a meaningful New Year.

Comment below to let us know which one you’d like to try. Or if you have anything to add, please feel free to drop us a line.

Until next time!